I took up a new job this week. Its a startup. Called Grene Inc. After eight long, and by no means uneventful years in Effigent, it feels a little strange to be working in another company.
There is currently a very small team and the team is being built slowly. Reminds me of the first few months of Effigent. We had started operations on September 4th, 2000 with 4 people in an apartment at Begumpet in Hyderabad.
The work that I will be doing is pretty exciting. It will be on the Mac. The company is also involved in home automation which has been a dream area for me to work on. Hopefully I can get involved in that at some point in the future.
It is quite surprising that the technology for some very cool and efficient home automation features is already available and is being implemented. The key is to decide what is really useful and worth implementing. A lot of features sound very cool when you first hear about them. But if they are implemented, the novelty quickly wears off and after a few months you think if it was really worth buying those features.
For the longest time, I was immensely facinated by the possibility of bluetooth enabling my computer to call out "Hi Kamal" when I entered the room it was placed in. I got the software, a bluetooth enabled phone and then got this to work. For a few times, there was a great sense of achievement. Very soon, I tired of it and disabled it.
The key to a good feature apart from the 'cool' factor is the usefulness on a long term basis. Grene Inc. will be greatly successful if we are able to identify these features and implement them.
There is currently a very small team and the team is being built slowly. Reminds me of the first few months of Effigent. We had started operations on September 4th, 2000 with 4 people in an apartment at Begumpet in Hyderabad.
The work that I will be doing is pretty exciting. It will be on the Mac. The company is also involved in home automation which has been a dream area for me to work on. Hopefully I can get involved in that at some point in the future.
It is quite surprising that the technology for some very cool and efficient home automation features is already available and is being implemented. The key is to decide what is really useful and worth implementing. A lot of features sound very cool when you first hear about them. But if they are implemented, the novelty quickly wears off and after a few months you think if it was really worth buying those features.
For the longest time, I was immensely facinated by the possibility of bluetooth enabling my computer to call out "Hi Kamal" when I entered the room it was placed in. I got the software, a bluetooth enabled phone and then got this to work. For a few times, there was a great sense of achievement. Very soon, I tired of it and disabled it.
The key to a good feature apart from the 'cool' factor is the usefulness on a long term basis. Grene Inc. will be greatly successful if we are able to identify these features and implement them.
I haven't come across your company website, what is the url.