Chaparai video

Here's a video of me sliding down the natural water slide at Chaparai:


Unknown said…
You need to declare your video as Public so that it can be seen.
Kamal D Shah said…
Please try now. Sorry about that!
B said…
That was bold and fun.
B said…
My compliments to the videographer as well. He held it quite steady unlike most home videos I come across.
Kamal D Shah said…
The only thing that comes in between Kartik and a brilliant career in photography is an even more brilliant career in software!

Well, photography's loss is software's gain!
Santu said…
This should have been really thrilling. Great piece of work by Karthik and the stream. They have truly made a Hero out of Kamal.

Its great knowing that you had a splendid time at Araku. Am planning to go there as well now !! Hope I get the chance soon and we can all go tother once again
Kamal D Shah said…

"Great piece of work by Karthik and the stream. They have truly made a Hero out of Kamal. "

What exactly do you mean, Mr. Santosh Ramakrishnan? How did Kartik and the stream make me a hero?

*I* was the one who slid down the stream! Right? The videographer merely recorded a heroic act! Well, no offense meant and he did a good job but I was the one who was brave, remember?
