Sureshot iPhone reset

One evening, a few days back, suddenly, my iPhone went totally dead. Nothing I tried to do would fix the problem. I held the power and the home button, like forever. No luck. Google to the rescue I thought. "iPhone won't start". Nothing beyond the "Hold Power and Home together until you see the Apple logo" and "Give it back to Apple for an exchange". The first didn't work. The second wasn't possible here.

I then handed it over to a colleague at office who knew someone who knew someone who could fix iPhones. This was my last hope. It might cost me a bomb but that would be less than what a new iPhone would cost. I switched my sim card and started using the most basic Nokia model that my office had provided for official use. The next few days were traumatic, to say the least. It was similar to driving a Hyderabadi auto-rickshaw after being used to a BMW for years. Nothing short of torture.

My friend gave the iPhone to the so-called Mr. Fixit. For two days, nothing. No news at all.

Then yesterday, my colleague told me that Mr. Fixit went out of town. He had not yet figured out what the problem was. He would return on Monday and would try again. In the meantime, he had brought the phone back. My heart sank. Is this it, I wondered?

I took the phone back, thinking that I would return it on Monday. In the meantime, I thought, let me give it one more shot on Google. This time I typed a more drastic search phrase - "iPhone dead". I got some results. I went through the links one by one. The first few did not show anything helpful. Then there was this link from Fixya. I went through it. There was a solution for the problem which was different from what I had read so far:

"You need to reset your iphone. To do this toggle the switch above the volume back and forth two times, then hold the main button along with the top power button for about six seconds or until you see the Apple icon displayed on your screen. The main menu will appear shortly thereafter. Oh and if you did any charging during this blackout period it is accounted for when your iPhone comes back to life. Hope that helps :)"

Hope that helps??? Heck, sure, it did!

Before the promised six seconds, I saw the Apple logo on the phone. Kitne taras gaye thhe mere baawre nain ise dekhne ke liye!

The iPhone was up and running. I was so relieved!
