
A dream comes true: NephroPlus arrives in Goa

Please change the spelling of the word ‘opportunity’, someone

Off to Goa

How stopping a Proton Pump Inhibitor changed my life

Why home hemodialysis?

Who’s right about the economy - the pro Modi or the anti Modi camps?

Have those protesting against the film ‘Padmavati’ seen it?

130/80 is the new high

Overusing the exclamation point!!!!

Drug interactions

Let’s not force people to wear patriotism on their sleeve

Just 3 days to go for the Indian Dialysis Olympiad!

Why I’m not excited about tea houses anymore?

What does happiness actually mean?

Dialysis Olympiad Bike Expedition - Doing more with Dialysis kicks off today

After twenty years, a new home

A scare, then a Transesophageal Echocardiogram clears the air

An unending fistula infection

A life on the cloud

Fresenius acquires NxStage: what this means for those who want Home HD in India

NxStage System One completes ten years, no signs of coming to India

Watching streaming video

Back to five nights a week

“God doesn't exist. But don't tell that to my servant...”

Keeping busy is the best way to restrict fluids for those on dialysis

How I fixed my non-dialysis day sleep problem

The secret recipe of longevity on dialysis

Twenty years with kidney disease

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact

Health Update

Augmentin, not nectar

Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari: Life changing

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

When you see something here posted exactly at 5 am...

Why I started dreading my non-dialysis nights

Why this dichotomy?

Numbness in left hand fingers

Hyaluronic Acid Injection for Osteoarthritis in Dialysis Patients: My experience