Historically I have always worked in an area without being qualified to do so. My first job was with Summa Computers. I was doing software development without any degree in IT. Then Effigent happened. I was mostly doing IT management in Effigent. Again, I did not have a degree in either IT or Management. After Effigent, I was back to doing software development in Splendid Grene and the trend continued.
In NephroPlus, I started looking after the Clinical department. I was not a Doctor. Far from it. I was only a patient. Heck, I wasn't even a Dialysis Technician.
Until recently.
I recently passed the Certified Hemodialysis Technician exam held by The Board of Nephrology Examiners Nursing Technology (BONENT), USA. Ever since I got to know about this exam, I have aspired to do it. I was quite nervous, though. I hadn't studied for an exam since I graduated in Chemical Engineering in 1997.
I have a very deep fear of failure. In the past, I have refrained from attempting things I had even the slightest chance of failing in. So, it took a lot of determination to attempt this. I studied for a few months, did some practice papers and then wrote the exam recently. Dori Schatell's book, "Core Curriculum for the Dialysis Technician" was my bible. Philip Varughese from the US and Venkatraman from NephroPlus supported me in this mission.
And I passed!
I am so thrilled!